My First Vegetable Garden

My vegetable garden is far away from the pond. Although I do also have sunflowers and cucumbers growing around the pond, the tomatoes are in the vegetable garden. This is the first time I have had a vegetable garden.

I grew them from shootings that my grandma cultivated from seed, and I have to say I am not getting as many tomatoes as I would have if I bought them in the store in spring. This is pretty much my only tomato right now and it is already August. I have about 6 plants and expect a yield of 3 or 4 per plant maximum.

I made a delicious salad with a tomato, a cucumber, and some basil from my garden. I topped it with grated parmesan cheese, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar, with some pepper. I am waiting for another tomato and cucumber to ripen so I can repeat!



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